Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti - Rotary India

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"Celebrating International womens day

"Celebrating International Womens Day, Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Ja. . .

Eye check up camp

"Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti" conducted a successful Eye Chec. . .

Cataract surgery

15 people were operated for cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

Mental awareness programme

"Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti organized a Mental Health Awaren. . .

Eye Surgery

16 people were operated for cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

Eye Surgery

13 people were operated for cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

Artificial Limb CAMP LN4

"Artificial Limb Camp: LN4 Screening A 3-day# Artificial Limb Cam. . .

Cataract surgery

13 people were operated for cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

Health Checkup camp under PPH

We have been invited by Organiser of Vinoba Bhave University Hazari. . .

Eye operation Cataract

16 people were operated for Cataract surgery in Rohini Devi Rotary . . .

Eye check up camp under Ujjwal Drishti Abhiyan

On 31st January morning at 9am the members of Rotary Club of Hazari. . .

Eye check up camp under Ujjwal Drishti Abhiyan

On 30th January morning at 9am an Eye checkup camp under Ujjwal Dri. . .

Visiting Saheli Centre

30th January at 12pm the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagri. . .

Eye check up camp

Eye Checkup Camp on 29 Jan 2025 at Nagwan Toll Plaza, Sindur arran. . .

Know your number camp under PPH

On 29th January morning we have arranged a health check up camp Kno. . .

Eye operation Cataract surgery

17 people were operated for cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

Celebration of National girl s child Day

On the Occasion of National Girls Child Day, Rotary Club of Hazarib. . .

Eye check up camp

Eye Checkup Camp for drivers was organised by Rohini Devi Rotary N. . .

Cataract surgery

15 people were operated for Cataract surgery in Rohini Devi Rotary . . .

Distribution of food

Today 22nd January morning the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh. . .

Distribution of food

In Evening 22nd January members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagrit. . .

Cataract surgery

16 people were operated for cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

Distribution of Chura -Tilkut on the eve of Makar

Today on 13th January the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jag. . .

Eye check up camp under Ujjwal Drishti Abhiyan

The members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti organised an Eye c. . .

Eye operation Cataract surgery

16 people were operated for cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

Health checkup camp Know Your Number under PPH

On 4th January morning A Health check up camp Know Your Number unde. . .

Know your number camp under PPH

Health Checkup camp,"Know Your Number" under PPH organised by Rotar. . .

Health Checkup camp under PPH

Health Checkup camp under PPH "Know Your Number" organised by Rotar. . .

Health Checkup camp under PPH

The Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti with team of Paras Hospital R. . .

Health check up camp Know Your Number under PPH

As we know the December Month is Disease Prevention & Treatment mon. . .

Cataract operation

18 people were operated for cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

Distribution of food packets

The members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti distributed food p. . .

Health checkup camp Know Your Number under PPH

As we know the December Month is Disease Prevention & Treatment mon. . .

Health check up camp Know Your Number under PPH

As we know the December Month is Disease Prevention & Treatment mon. . .

Health check up camp Know Your Number under PPH

As we know the December Month is Disease Prevention & Treatment mon. . .

Health check up camp Know Your Number under PPH

Know your number camp under PPH organised by Rotary Club of Hazarib. . .

Health check up camp Know Your Number under PPH a

On 26th December morning health check up camp Know Your Number unde. . .

Know your number camp under PPH

A health check up camp Know Your Number under PPH organised by Rota. . .

Cataract surgery

The cataract operation of the 14 patients was done by Dr. Sarwar Al. . .

Plantation of trees

Today morning at 11am RTN John Miles & Fiona Miles of RI DIST 1230. . .

Know your number camp under PPH

As we know the December Month is Disease Prevention & Treatment mon. . .

Know your number camp under PPH

As we know the December Month is Disease Prevention & Treatment mon. . .

Know your number camp under PPH

As we know the December Month is Disease Prevention & Treatment mon. . .

Health check up camp Know Your Number under PPH

As we know the December Month is Disease Prevention & Treatment mon. . .

Health check up camp Know Your Number under PPH

As we know the December Month is Disease Prevention & Treatment mon. . .

Eye operation Cataract

15 people were operated for Cataract surgery on 17th December at Ro. . .

Health check up camp Know Your Number under PPH

A health check up camp "Know Your Number"under PPH organised by Rot. . .

Food distribution at Mentally challenged home

On 17th December, evening the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh . . .

Blanket distribution to poor people

Blankets distributed by Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti to the Ri. . .

Eye check up camp

Rotary club of Hazaribagh Jagriti organised an Eye checkup camp on . . .

Health check up camp Know Your Number under PPH

A health check up camp Know Your Number under PPH organised by Rota. . .

Mega Health check up camp Know Your Number under P

Today our Mega Camp for Free Health check up PPH camp under "Know . . .

Eye operation (Cataract surgery)

12 people were operated for cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

International Disability Day

On the eve of International Handicapped Day the members of Rotary C. . .

Skill development of Students under Mission Litter

skill development among the students of St Elezabeth School by mem. . .

Elimination of Violence on women

Today morning at 11am we organised an Intertalk on Elimination of . . .

Health Checkup camp under PPH know your number

Today morning at 11am we organised a Health Check up camp under PPH. . .

Cataract surgery

11 People were get operated for Cataract surgery on 28th November T. . .

Mental health awareness seminar

*AWARENESS ON MENTAL HEALTH* Rotary Club Of Hazaribagh Jagtiti ho. . .

Eye operation

14 people were operated for Cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

Celebration of Childrens Day

Today the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti celebreated . . .

Eye operation

16 people were operated for the cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netr. . .

Eye check up camp

R.C.Hazaribagh Jagriti organised an Eye checkup camp at Goshala,Pin. . .

Cleanness of Chhath Ghat

Chhat Puja is one of the most important Festival of Bihar and Jhark. . .

Plantation of trees

Today morning members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti planted . . .

Protection of Environment/Plants

Protection of Environment/Cleanness & maintenance of Rotary Shanti . . .

Eye operation

7 people were operated for cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralaya. . .

Annapurna project

On 30th October evening the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Ja. . .

Celebration of International Polio Day

On 24th October on the eve of International Polio Day the members o. . .

Hand washing

During our trip to uttrakhand,we visited G.D Goenka Public school a. . .

Food packets Distribution

The members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti distributed Veg Bi. . .

Annapurna project

On 17th October Thursday the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh J. . .

Nation Builders Award

On 16th October the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti fe. . .

Hand wash project

Rotary club of Hazaribagh Jagriti organised a Health awareness prog. . .

Eye operation

15 people were operated for cataract in Rohoni Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

Hand washing DAY

Today on 15th October we have organised an awareness programme on . . .

Know your number camp under PPH

On 11th October Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti arranged a health. . .

Know your number camp under PPH

On 10th October the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti or. . .

Protection of Environment

On 8th October the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti vis. . .

Mission Literacy

Today 7th October Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti arranged a Draw. . .

Felicitation of Teachers

On 7th October we have felicitated the best teacher award certific. . .

Health Checkup camp under PPH

On 5th October we have done PPH camp at St Elizabeths School Hazari. . .

Know your number camp

On 4th October we have arranged a Health awareness program "Know Yo. . .

Know your number camp under PPH

Today,3rd October at 11.30am we have organised PPH camp "know your . . .

Health Checkup camp under PPH

Today 2nd October we have organised a motivational camp cum Yoga cl. . .

Celebration of Gandhi & Shashtri Jayanti

On 2nd October at 4.30pm we have celebrated Gandhi & Shashtri Jayan. . .

CPR Demonstration project

Today evening at 3pm the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagri. . .

Felicitation of Teachers

Today we have felicitated Nation Builder Award through certificate . . .

Celebration of International Heart Day

WORLD HEART DAY On World Heart day , Rotary club of Hazaribagh Jag. . .

Cataract surgery

11 People were get operated cataract surgery in Rohini Devi Rotary . . .

Celebration of International Peace Day

On the eve of International Peace Day on 21st September morning at . . .

Health awareness camp Under PPH "Know Your Number"

On 22nd September morning at 6am the members of Rotary Club of Haza. . .

Project under Literacy Mission

*PROJECT UNDER LITERACY MISSION* Today under Literacy Mission Rota. . .

Health Checkup camp under PPH

Today evening at 4pm we have organised PPH camp at Rotary Club Rohi. . .

Installation of Water purifier

Today One water purifier installed in K.B.High School Hazaribagh by. . .

Plantation of trees ??

The members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti done plantation at. . .

Mental Health Awareness programme

Rotary club of Hazaribagh Jagriti organised a Mental Health awarene. . .

Cataract surgery

13 patients were got operated for Cataract surgery at Rohini Devi R. . .

Celebration of Teachers day

Today we have celebrated Teachers day in five school. Under Rotary . . .

Awareness camp on Cervical Cancer

On 2nd September a cervical cancer awareness camp organised by memb. . .

Plantation of trees

Today morning at 11am members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti . . .

Celebration of National Sports day

Today ROTARY Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti celebrated National Sports . . .

Eye surgery

13 people were operated for Cataract surgery at Rohini Devi Rotary . . .

Installation of water purifier

One water purifier installed in St.Elizabeth school Hazaribagh by . . .

Environment protection

Project Environment Protection Interculture / maintenance of plants. . .

Annapurna project

The members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti arranged breakfast. . .

Mental health awareness

The members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti organised a Mental. . .

Maternal and child health awareness

Maternal and child health awareness program at Sadar Hospital Mater. . .

Plantation of trees

Today morning under the banner of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti. . .

Health awareness camp under PPH

Today morning at 11am a PPH camp organised by members of Rotary Clu. . .

Cataract operation

10 peoples get operated for Cataract surgery at Rohini Devi Rotary . . .

Blood donation camp

A Blood Donation Camp organised by members of Rotary Club of Hazari. . .

Literacy and skills development project

According to *our mission to educate girls child* and develop their. . .

Plantation of Millets

Small Millet, Maduwa ( Elucine corocana) cultivation under Nationa. . .

Literacy and skills development project

Initiated literacy & skills development project with the girls stud. . .

Cataract surgery

11 people were operated for cataract in Rohini Devi Rotary Netralay. . .

Plantation of trees

Today morning under the banner of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti. . .

Plantation of paddy saplings

The members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti planted paddy sapl. . .

Plantation of trees

On 8th July 24 Monday, AG Rot Mrs Sangeeta Sharma planted trees wit. . .

Cataract surgery

On 2nd July 24 ,10people were operated for Cataract surgery at Rohi. . .

Plantation ??

On 1st July the members of Rotary Club of Hazaribagh Jagriti have d. . .